Cridersville United Methodist Church
making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world
105 Shawnee Road, Cridersville, Ohio 45806
Cridersville United Methodist Church
making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world
105 Shawnee Road, Cridersville, Ohio 45806
Ministry Center
Our Ministry Center is the welcome center of the church. Our guests will receive a welcome bag full of items and information to help them get acquainted with Cridersville UMC. All ministry brochures are displayed on the "Get Plugged in..." board and are available for anyone interested in learning more about the ministries of the church. If you would like to work in the Ministry Center, contact Joyce Beecher.
Ushers serve on a rotating monthly basis. Their duties include passing out bulletins and assisting with serving communion on the first Sunday of the month. We welcome families to participate in this ministry. Contact Joyce Beecher to be included on the rotation.
Greeters are the friendly smiling faces that welcome every person entering the church. They ensure that every one is greeted and offered any assistance if needed. Contact the church office if you would like to help out on a rotating basis.
Media Ministry
This ministry includes running the PowerPoint and Song Show media for Sunday morning services. It also includes sound and video technology. Contact Keith Paul or Christy Tomsett for more information.
Music Ministry
The worship team and praise band focuses on using their musical abilities to provide a meaningful worship experience each weekend. New band members and singers are always welcome. Contact the church office if interested.
Food Pantry
The Ch-Ki-Lo (charity, kindness, love) food pantry serves people in the Cridersville area on a monthly basis. Operating hours are Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday from 9 am to noon located at 510 E. Sugar Street. Volunteers are always needed to unload food, stock shelves, and work with clients.
Funeral Ministry
We know that planning a funeral can be overwhelming. We are committed to having a place where the whole family can gather after the memorial service to enjoy a meal together. Our funeral committee provides a home-cooked meal for family and friends of the lost loved one.